Snow Removal
Each snow event can impact the area much differently. The timing, storm intensity, duration, wind, and moisture content can not only impact the total accumulation of snow and ice, but it will dictate the methods used to remove the accumulated snow and ice. While the Township endeavors to maintain adequate traction for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving, this does not mean streets will be free of all snow and ice.
There are generally four types of roads within the Township:
1) Township public streets & roads which are maintained by the Township
2) State-owned roads which are maintained by Penn DOT
3) Private roads and streets which are maintained by various Home Owners Associations
4) Private roads which are maintained by private landowners or residents
During Snow Events
Emergency calls from police, fire, and EMS are given top priority. Township road crews will not respond to any unverified “emergency” calls from the general public and because of the high priority assigned to snow events, other Township activities could be impacted until the conclusion of the snow event.
The Township will monitor weather conditions when a winter storm warning is in the forecast and will begin plowing operations shortly after the snow begins to accumulate on the roads. Plowing and application of anti-skid stone/salt may be done simultaneously. If, at any time it is unsafe to operations, plowing will be suspended until conditions improve. Removing snow from the roadway will inevitably block driveways, parking areas, and mailboxes with snow, while it is our goal to avoid these circumstances, residents are reminded that it is their responsibility to maintain driveways, parking areas & mailboxes.
Resident Participation
During a snow event, residents should avoid parking on streets or in cul-de-sacs, or in all Snow Emergency Routes – Snow Emergency Routes are well marked with signs (Please be advised that the Township is not liable for any vehicles that are inadvertently damaged while parked in a Snow Emergency Route).
Please remain at least 200 feet behind any snow removal equipment.
Residents are reminded not to place snow on or in Township roads, all snow shoveled or plowed by residents should remain on their property.
Keep your children away from the roads, playing in the snow at the edge of the road is extremely dangerous.
Clearing Snow
Residents can greatly assist during snow events by clearing snow around fire hydrants & mailboxes – Township personnel will not remove snow in front of mailboxes, driveways or dig out cars that have been plowed in.
It is impossible for plowing crews to avoid plowing snow in front of driveways, if possible, wait to clear your driveway after crews have finished plowing the roads.